




同时收录另一款逃生游戏《Resident Evil Resistance》。



需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: WINDOWS® 10 (64-BIT Required)
处理器: Intel® Core™ i5-4460 or AMD FX™-6300 or better
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 960 or AMD Radeon™ RX 460
DirectX 版本: 12
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 45 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Anticipated performance at these specifications is 1080p/30FPS for Resident Evil 3 and 720p/30FPS for Resident Evil Resistance. If you don’t have enough graphics memory to run the game at your selected texture quality, you must go to Options > Graphics and lower the texture quality or shadow quality, or decrease the resolution. An internet connection is required for product activation. In addition, an internet connection is required at all times when playing Resident Evil Resistance. (Network connectivity uses Steam® developed by Valve® Corporation.)
需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
操作系统: WINDOWS® 10 (64-BIT Required)
处理器: Intel® Core™ i7-3770 or AMD FX™-9590 or better
内存: 8 GB RAM
显卡: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon™ RX 480 with 3GB VRAM
DirectX 版本: 12
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 45 GB 可用空间
附注事项: Anticipated performance at these specifications is 1080p/60FPS. An internet connection is required for product activation. In addition, an internet connection is required at all times when playing Resident Evil Resistance. (Network connectivity uses Steam® developed by Valve® Corporation.)

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